Product Review
Air-Assisted Bin Sweep Breaks Up Difficult-to-Move Grains

Sioux Steel Company • 800-557-4689

Paddle sweep improves safety and efficiency

Sioux Steel Company recently introduced its newest paddle bin sweep, the Air Assist paddle sweep.

According to Product Development Engineer Elliott Strain, the Air Assist paddle sweep combines Sioux Steel’s current paddle loading technology with short bursts of high pressure air to break up crusted and difficult-to-move grains and other commodities.

“This first-of-its-kind air-assisted sweep improves safety and cleaning efficiency using nozzles spaced 18-inches apart to deliver short, high-pressure bursts of air,” he explains. “By providing more effective cleanout, the air assist sweep improves safety by eliminating the need for workers to enter the bin.”

Fully Programmable

“The air assist sweep is fully programmable for short or longer air bursts,” he says, “and the air nozzles can be swapped out with different angles and spaced at greater or shorter intervals to meet customer needs in breaking up clumps.”

From May/June 2018 GRAIN JOURNAL

Air-Assisted Bin Sweep Features

  • Optional air nozzles with different angles provide maximum performance and flexibility.
  • The distance between air nozzles can be customized to meet customer requirements.
  • Improves safety by eliminating the need for workers to enter the bin during sweep operations.
  • The easy-to-use system features a touchscreen display for programming.

About Sioux Steel Company

Sioux Falls, SD

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In This Issue

Grain Journal May/June 2018

View this review and more in the Grain Journal May/June 2018 magazine.