High Water Levels and Ice Continue to Slow Barge Traffic

This article has been reprinted from the Feb. 21 USDA Grain Transportation Report.

According to American Commercial Barge Line, as of February 20, flood conditions have restricted barge traffic at several locks on the Ohio River to operating only during daylight hours.

With more rain forecasted for the Ohio River Valley, barge conditions will likely further deteriorate for the rest of February.

Ice accumulations have slowed barge traffic on the Illinois River. However, weather forecasters are expecting warmer temperatures later next week, which may improve navigation conditions.

Highwater on the lower Mississippi River has restricted barge traffic to daylight hours only through Memphis, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge.

GTR Table 10 shows calendar year-to-date barge movements, on the locking portions of the Mississippi, Ohio, and Arkansas River, were 3.1 million tons, 11 percent lower than last year.