USDA Announces Ag Transportation Open Data Platform

On June 11, USDA announced a new and interactive data platform to make it easier for stakeholders to access, use, and download data on the transportation of agricultural products by rail, truck, barge, and ocean.

The open data platform enables customers to use and view upto-date data, interactive dashboards on major transportation modes and markets, and access data in many different, open file formats.

USDA stakeholders will have the ability to access data through automatically generated and maintained Application Programming Interfaces (API), which open the door to the development of cell phone and web apps built using the data.

Users can also select and download data using easy filtering and aggregating, while creating a variety of visualizations from datasets (including maps) and save personalized dataset views and visualizations.

These dataset views and visualizations are then automatically updated to show the latest insights.

For more information on this new platform, visit