Reprinted from the Sept./Oct. 2014 GRAIN JOURNAL

So, you want to keep safety in front of your employees, but you don’t have a lot of time to communicate with your employees. Just one activity per day can have an impact. This is Week 1 of five weeks of daily safety tips.

Monday: Inspect the tools you use. If you are picking something up from a scoop shovel, to a flashlight, to your hardhat or safety glasses, give them a once over to make sure that there are no defects or damage to whatever you are about to use.

Tuesday: Think your work through. Even if you have done today’s job a hundred times, plan your work, and communicate what you are working on and where you are working, especially if it involves a lockout/tagout.

Wednesday: Make sure that you have your lockout lock or tag with you, so that you won’t be tempted to “just this once” turn something off that should be locked out or tagged out.

Thursday: Come prepared to work. Get a good night’s rest, so that you are alert while you are working.

Friday: Have proper personal protective equipment. Is you hardhat older than your school age kids? It is time to replace it. Make sure that your respirator fits and is appropriate for the job you are doing today.

Prepared by Lynn Larsen, retired president of Safety Solutions Inc.