This article has been reprinted from the July 11 USDA Grain Transportation Report.

As of July 11, the Mississippi River gauge at St. Louis was reported at 33.7 feet, a decline from higher levels in previous weeks.

The National Weather Service forecasts river levels will continue to decline into mid-July. Mississippi River barge traffic at St. Louis was stopped from May 23 through June 23, when river levels exceeded 38 feet.

River closures occur at certain gauges, set by the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and River Industry representatives.

Tow delays are reported at locks on the Upper Mississippi River, as traffic is slowly returning to normal operations.

Navigation conditions have been improving on the Illinois, Ohio, and Arkansas Rivers.

The number of grain barges being unloaded at Mississippi River export elevators amounted to 14,998 year to date, a 19 percent decrease from the 3-year average.