California Adopts Omnibus Rule For Trucks, Phasing in Lower Oxides of Nitrogen Levels

This article has been reprinted from USDA's Sept. 24 Grain Transportation Report.

On August 28, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) unanimously voted to adopt the “Heavy-Duty Low NOx Omnibus Regulation” rule.

The phased-in regulation will require current oxides of nitrogen (NOx) levels be reduced from the current standard by approximately 75 percent starting in 2024 and by 90 percent in 2027.

The rule requires California truck manufacturers to comply with the stricter emissions standards, overhaul engine testing procedures to better reflect real-world traffic conditions, and further extend engine warranties to ensure limited emissions of NOx.

Trucking groups commented the new rule does not give manufacturers sufficient time to develop technologies to meet the standards, and that the industry will now be required to manufacture trucks for two different markets— California and the rest of the country.