Supplier Profile
Dan Saniti, Electro-Sensors, Inc.

Company: Electro-Sensors, Inc.

Position: Vice President-Sales

Born: Nov. 14 in St. Paul, MN.

Years with company/industry: 5/5.

Family: Wife, Suzanne; stepson, Chris.

Education: Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering technology from the University of Minnesota, Duluth.

Favorite hobby/interest: Sailboat racing.

Favorite sport team: Minnesota Vikings.

Favorite place to eat on the road: Any food that is local to the region.

Favorite vacation spot: Hawaii.

Best mentor: Gene Kranz, one of the NASA’s first flight directors, is credited with the quote, “Failure is not an option,” in reference to the Apollo 13 space mission. The first lunar moon landing of Apollo 11 was a great accomplishment, but saving human life took precedence for Gene.

If I wasn’t in the grain industry, I would: Sail around the world.

Favorite quote: “I came; I saw; I conquered.” -Julius Caesar

From September/October 2022 Grain Journal Issue

In This Issue

Grain Journal September October 2022

View this review and more in the Grain Journal September October 2022 magazine.