Supplier Profile
Supplier Profile: Nick Kloos, Mathews Company

Company: Mathews Company

Position: Regional Sales Manger

Born: Feb. 4 in Canby, MN.

Years with company/industry: 3.5/7.

Family: Wife, Pamela; daughters, Alexia and Lacy.

Education: Gary High School, Gary SD.

Favorite hobbies/interests: Fishing, pontoon cruises, gardening, cooking, and grilling.

Favorite sports teams: Minnesota Twins and Vikings.

Favorite place to eat on the road: Lot 88, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.

Best mentors: When I was about 16, Doug Nelson started teaching me the industry and the importance of doing things correctly and leaving behind a job you are proud of. Alex “Butch” Wika was a great regional sales manager who taught me “Recognition is great – you can take that plaque to the local coffee shop, but don’t forget your 50 cents. Because without the 50 cents, you are not getting a cup of coffee.” Kim Bachman is a lifelong friend and brother who continues to show me the importance of love for family, God, and forgiveness.

About Mathews Company

Crystal Lake, IL

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In This Issue

Grain Journal March April 2021

View this review and more in the Grain Journal March April 2021 magazine.