Supplier Profile
Supplier Profile: Sean Cohan, Laidig Systems Inc.

Company: Laidig Systems Inc.

Position: Western Sales Manager

Born: May 17 in South Bend, IN.

Years with company/industry: 6/6.

Family: Wife, Gabrielle and two dogs (Sirius and Moxie).

Education: Indiana University.

Favorite hobbies/interests: Playing golf, bowling, curling, watching baseball, eating wings, and playing Ms. Pac-Man.

Favorite sports teams: Detroit Tigers, Chicago Bears, and U.S. curling team.

Favorite places to eat on the road: Del Taco and Casa Bonita.

Favorite vacation spots: Central Florida, Las Vegas, and Guatemala.

Best mentors: Yoda taught me to “Do or do not. There is no try.”

Someone I admire: Dr. Emmett Brown. He spent his family fortune to realize his lifelong dream.

Favorite inspirational quote: “Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.” -Michael Scott (“The Office”)