USDA Grain Transportation Report (2/23): Wisconsin Grants $5.3 Million to Ports

According to today's USDA Grain Transportation Report, on February 2, Wisconsin’s Department of Transportation announced it has awarded grants totaling $5.4 million for seven harbor maintenance and improvement projects.

Intended to promote waterborne freight and economic development, the grants will help maintain harbors and ensure ports are secure and reliable, while strengthening the supply chain.

Newly funded dredging and dock work are expected to improve agricultural freight transportation.

Hanke Terminals in La Crosse, WI, will receive $200,000 to repair a failing dock wall that is used to export agricultural commodities.

FJ Robers (also, in La Crosse) will receive $1.17 million to repair and construct a new dock wall for its bulk commodity transload facility, which will handle the transfer of corn and soybeans for export.