FMCSA Announces New Grants for Truck Parking

This article is taken from the September 28, 2023 USDA Grain Transportation Report.

The Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) recently announced grant awards for a high-priority truck-parking project that is relevant to grain shippers. According to the Federal Highway Administration, truck parking shortages are still a major problem in every State. Aiming to alleviate the shortages, FMCSA’s budget for high-priority truck-parking projects is up 65% over last year.

In the most recent round of grant awards, DOT’s Nationally Significant Multimodal Freight and Highway Projects (INFRA) program funds a $22 million Memphis, TN, project to add 125 truck parking spaces at a spot along I-40. The project will also upgrade adjacent bridge structures. In a 2020, joint USDA/DOT report — The Importance of Highways to U.S. Agriculture — I-40 was analyzed as a critical grain freight corridor.