Supplier Profile
Supplier Profile: Alex Oleynikov, CompuWeigh Corp.

Company: CompuWeigh Corp.

Position: Vice President of Engineering

Born: April 4 in Mariupol, Ukraine.

Time with company/industry: 20/20.

Family: Wife, Natalya; son, Kirill; daughter, Thea.

Education: Priazovsky State Technical University, Mariupol, Ukraine.

Favorite hobbies/interests: Motorcycle and dirt bike riding, reading, and fitness.

Favorite sports team: My son’s gymnastics team.

Favorite place to eat on the road: My Thai, Tulsa, OK

Favorite vacation spots: Yellowstone National Park, the Grand Canyon, and the Dominican Republic.

Best mentor: Various people at different stages of my life and career. Life itself is a stern, yet generous mentor.

Someone I admire: Garrison Keillor – the best radio show host and storyteller ever.

Favorite inspirational quote: “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” -Winston Churchill

About CompuWeigh Corporation

Woodbury, CT

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