Oil Terminal Hit Alongside Grain Storage Facilities in Russian Attack on Uman on October 1st

Russian drones hit three civilian infrastructure facilities in Uman, Cherkasy Oblast, on the night of 30 September-1 October: a grain storage facility and two facilities at a defunct oil terminal.

A total of 3,600 square meters caught fire. Taburets said that the reservoirs at the oil terminal have not been in use for a long time.

He added that Russian forces only targeted civilian infrastructure facilities in Uman, not military ones.

"Just after midnight on October 1st [Russian] drones hit Uman. They targeted a grain storage facility, which held around 90 tonnes of sunflower seeds that have just been harvested," Taburets said.

Volodymyr Kulbitskyi, chief engineer at the grain storage facility, said that the storage facility hit by the Russian drones cannot be repaired this season.

"Six grain depots were hit. Those intended for grain storage and those that were already in use were destroyed. These were precise attacks: none of them missed the depots," Kulbitskyi explained.

Local residents said that around nine explosions rocked Uman’s industrial zone last night.

By Ukrainska Pravda