Product Review
Product Review ... Plansifter

Özpolat Grain Processing Technologies • Istanbul, Turkey • +90 (342)-337-12-17 •

Özpolat Grain Processing Technologies’ manufactures a wide range of milling equipment, such as its plansifter, at its 70,000-square-foot plant in Gaziantep, Turkey.

According to Board Member Baris Özpolat, its plansifter is designed for high-capacity sifting of wheat, maize, oats, peas, coffee, and other products in mills and processing facilities.

“Our plansifter has a freely oscillating body and frames at different sizes. Every stage of the body provides cleaning and orderly classification of grinded product.”

Designed for Durability

“One of the benefits of a freely oscillating body,” explains Özpolat, “is significantly reduced wear over the life of the machine. “I recently learned that one of our plansifters installed in 1973 still is in operation today at a mill in Gaziantep.

“A freely oscillating body,” he adds, “also ensures cleanliness and uniform sorting of the milled product. The machine’s fully stainless steel construction enhances durability even further.”

Simulation Software

Another way Ozpolat ensures durability of its plansifter is the use of special simulation software in the design of the machine. “This software allows us to simulate decades of operation, which allows us to know how long it takes for parts to wear out. That way, we can make improvements to the design of the machine and test it them again before manufacturing. This is one the reasons we have the most reliable and durable plansifter on the market.”

From Fourth Quarter 2021 Milling Journal Issue